DOI: 10.17072/2078-7898/2018-2-203-213


Sergey D. Domnikov
Ph.D. in History, Senior Researcher

Institute of Philosophy, Russian Academy of Sciences,
12/1, Goncharnaya str., Moscow, 109240, Russia;
ORCID: 0000-0002-5842-2041

The article is focused on the phenomenological aspect of traditional text. The analysis of «natural mental attitude» is a currently relevant object for research within theoretical phenomenology. The subject of the article is a problem of corporality and desire, which is brightly presented in ceremonial and magic texts. The research object are texts of traditional Russian charms with social orientation of the XVII–XIXth centuries. The phenomenological approach, which supports traditional methods of hermeneutics, the structural and linguistic analysis of texts and so forth, takes a significant place among other methods of the textual analysis today. According to the phenomenological approach, desire is considered to be a substitute of intentionality. The article deals with a combination of methods, among which the phenomenological approach is positioned as an organic component of any textual criticism. This approach allows one to take a fresh look at writing monuments and folklore of traditional society. The intention to group methods of different disciplines around phenomenological issues of desire makes it possible to interpret texts of charms as a kind of «desire machine».

The concepts of «corporality», «desire», «the vital world» are included in discourses of the majority of social disciplines and the humanities, in many respects determining theoretical search in the field of studying the «culture of everyday life». Phenomenological methods of intensional and eidetic analysis along with traditional methods of hermeneutics allow us to consider new aspects of live experience of the acting and ”willing” subject. The imperious discourse is represented against the background of archetypic scenarios in connection with representations of ideas of the world: body-world and world-body («the vital world» and «world space»). The paper reveals the universal nature of semantics and pragmatics of traditional text.

Keywords: tradition, charm, desire, intentionality, natural mental attitude, corporality, world, vital world, power, force, everyday life, phenomenology, hermeneutics, traditional society, traditional text, discourse.


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Received 21.02.2018

For citation:

Domnikov S.D. To phenomenology of traditional text: charms of social orientation as «desire machines» // Perm University Herald. Series «Philosophy. Psychology. Sociology». 2018. Iss. 2. P. 203213. DOI: 10.17072/2078-7898/2018-2-203-213