Phenomenological and psychological study of creative consciousness in aesthetic coordinates

Oksana M. Mazanenko
Ph.D. in Psychology, Doctoral Student of the Department
of Art Theory and Aesthetics,
Associate Professor of the Department of Social Sciences and Humanities

Lugansk State Academy of Culture and Arts named after M. Matusovsky,
7, Krasnaya ploshchad st., Lugansk, 91000, Ukraine;

This scientific paper deals with the topical problem of contemporary philosophy — creative consciousness as an aesthetic phenomenon. It also discusses the necessity of identifying this phenomenon in modern realities as a special form of consciousness which occupies an intermediate position between the individual and the public, in particular, aesthetic consciousness. The main idea of this article is indicated by the author as a search for opportunities to approach all the psychic that accompanies the process of creating a work of art by its creator. The author’s rhetoric about creative consciousness is built in the perspective of the generally accepted philosophical paradigm about the creative nature of consciousness as such. Reproductivity theories are shown to be important for understanding the phenomenon of consciousness. The paper aims to justify an orderly, streamlined concept of studying creative consciousness in the aesthetic field from the perspective of the phenomenological and psychological position. Philosophical views of E. Husserl, M. Heidegger, M. Merlot-Ponty, J.-P. Sartre, A. Georgi, M. Mamardashvili, P. Riker, R. May are the conceptual theoretical constructs which determine the vector of the author’s research position. Particular attention is paid to the ideas that contain practical experience of combining the phenomenological method and practical psychology. Analysis of the philosophers’ views allows the author to define the methodology for the procedure of understanding the phenomenon under study, to define the objective, main steps, content and stages of the qualitative phenomenological and psychological research on creative consciousness as an aesthetic phenomenon. The main qualities of the research position can be empathy and reflexivity. The author sees a further perspective for substantiation of the stated problems in the analysis of philosophical concepts related to the phenomenological and aesthetic field.

Keywords: creative consciousness, methodology, aesthetic phenomenon, phenomenology, experience, psychological empirics, understanding, interpretation, reflection.


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Received 21.01.2019



For citation:

Mazanenko O.M. [Phenomenological and psychological study of creative consciousness in aesthetic coordinates]. Vestnik Permskogo universiteta. Filosofia. Psihologia. Sociologia [Perm University Herald. Series «Philosophy. Psychology. Sociology»], 2019, issue 4, pp. 460–472 (in Russian). DOI: