Territorial socio-economic behavior within the problem of interaction of society and physical space

Olga K. Yakovleva
Ph.D. in Philosophy, Docent,
Associate Professor at the Department of Sociology

Perm State University,
15, Bukirev str., Perm, 614990, Russia;

The paper considers the basic approaches to the determination of territorial socio-economic behavior within the framework of sociology of the region and sociology of space. In the framework of this article, the term «region» means an area, region, or part of a country that differs from others in terms of natural or historical economic, geographical or other features, often combined with features of the ethnic composition of the population. Space is defined as a unity of the physical, spiritual and social; special attention is paid to the problem of the relationship between the quality of social and territorial space, which is becoming increasingly important due to the expansion of global space as a place of global processes. The complexity of the problem is revealed when studying the features of territorial socio-economic behavior associated with the undoubted dominance of formal (technological) rationality in the structure of the economic actors’ behavior. The formation of socio-economic behavior of economic entities and the features of this process are considered taking into account the characteristics of the territorial space. It is argued that the phenomenon of territorial socio-economic behavior of various socio-territorial (regional) communities evolves in the framework of the «conservative, adaptative, innovative», «culturally-rooted and culturally-mobile (changing)», «rational choice and collective interest», thus ensuring sustainable reproduction of social and territorial inequality in society. The study of changing and reproducible patterns of territorial socio-economic behavior will give priority when choosing the principles of regional governance and development, and in the long run it will not only provide a more accurate insight into the causes of the current socio-economic status of a particular regional community but also make it possible to develop forecast scenarios of its possible evolution.

Keywords: region, territory, physical space, social space, territorial identity, territorial interests, territorial consciousness, territorial socio-economic behavior.


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Received 30.04.2019

For citation:

Yakovleva O.K. Territorial socio-economic behavior within the problem of interaction of society and physical space // Perm University Herald. Series «Philosophy. Psychology. Sociology». 2019. Iss. 3. P. 421–428. DOI: