The audiovisual environment of the South-Russian cities through the eyes of the citizens: education as a social frame design space

Tatyana S. Kienko
Ph.D. in Sociology, Associate Professor
of the Department of Social Technologies

Southern Federal University,
116, Dneprovsky ln., Rostov-on-don, 344065, Russia;

The audiovisual environment of the modern city is understood as a socio-cultural space in which the norms, values, social and stratification differences system largely determines what citizens notice in the surrounding space. The actual status forms a socially defined perspective and point of view, setting the common reading and interpretation of space, the allocation of «places of memory» and leisure, the priorities of improvement. The components of the status, directing the assessment of urban space, include the level of education of citizens. The purpose of this article is to present the data of empirical research on the estimates of southern Russian cities audiovisual space by citizens with different levels of education. The methodological framework of the research is based on the principles of socio-stratification approach, social constructivism, sociology of space, methodology of spatial syntax. In the course of the study, the features of the attitude to urban spaces of respondents with higher, secondary special, general secondary and incomplete education are highlighted, which can be used in the practice of urban planning. Education can be considered as one of the social frameworks that define the directions and methods of construction, evaluation and interpretation of urban space by social actors, but its impact is ambiguous, mediated by other variables, it acts as a social and cultural resource of the citizen. High level of education is associated with satisfaction with space, higher social and territorial identity; low level of education narrows opportunities for realization, development, career and life prospects. The theoretical and empirical search for other social frameworks for the construction of audiovisual urban spaces by citizens, further study of the issue, including the materials of research in other regions, is considered promising.

Keywords: city, audiovisual urban space, level of education of citizens, social construction of space.


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Received 01.08.2019

For citation:

Kienko T.S. The audiovisual environment of the South-Russian cities through the eyes of the citizens: education as a social frame design space // Perm University Herald. Series «Philosophy. Psychology. Sociology». 2019. Iss. 3. P. 429–439. DOI: