The interrelationships of the quality of life characteristics and color preferences of men and women

Ekaterina V. Dudorova
Ph.D. in Psychology, Associate Professor
of the Department of Developmental Psychology

Perm State University,
15, Bukirev str., Perm, 614990, Russia;

Ekaterina A. Shalagina
Post-graduate Student of the «Psychology» Program,
Faculty of Philosophy and Sociology

Perm State University,
15, Bukirev str., Perm, 614990, Russia;

The article analyzes three lines of scientific research, suggesting the specificity of interrelations of quality of life parameters and color preferences of men and women. The first line of data analysis concerns the emotional aspects of the quality of life as a psychological phenomenon. The second line concerns the discussion of empirical evidence of the relationship of emotional states and color preferences. The third line of scientific data analysis is related to the study of gender differences in emotional characteristics. The aim of this work is to analyze and compare the relationships of the quality of life parameters and color choices for men and women. The results of the correlation analysis indicated that for men, satisfaction with the general state of health, their own activity, social contacts and functioning, as well as, in a trend, the absence of depressive mood was characterized by an increase in the choice of purple color. In addition, for men, satisfaction with their own health was accompanied by a decrease in the probability of choosing a gray color. According to our data, women who are characterized by a critical attitude to their social activity, as well as a tendency to depressive tendencies in their mood, rarely chose a red color. In addition, in the trend, depressed trends in mood did not contribute to the choice of green. These results support the perception of the existence of differences in the psychological characteristics of men and women in relation to the interrelationships of the characteristics of quality of life and color preferences. In addition, these data partly allow us to expand our understanding of the interrelationships between color preferences and states of the subject and on his or her assessment of some parameters of the quality of life. In practice, the results obtained can be used for diagnostic purposes in the work of a psychotherapist.

Keywords: quality of life, color preferences, emotions, sex differences.


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Received 19.05.2019

For citation:

Dudorova E.V., Shalagina E.A. The interrelationships of the quality of life characteristics and color preferences of men and women // Perm University Herald. Series «Philosophy. Psychology. Sociology». 2019. Iss. 3. P. 372–378. DOI: