DOI: 10.17072/2078-7898/2018-3-393-405

Personal traits as predictors of the type of psychological component of the gestation dominant in association with maternity experience*

Dmitriy S. Kornienko
Doctor of Psychology, Docent,
Head of the Department of General and Clinical Psychology

Perm State University,
15, Bukirev str., Perm, 614990, Russia;
ORCID: 0000-0002-6597-264X

Anna G. Radosteva
assistant of the Department of Psychology

Perm State Humanitarian Pedagogical University,
24, Sibirskaya str., Perm, 614990, Russia;
ORCID: 0000-0002-6245-1064

Research into the psychology of pregnant women is a currently relevant area of study due to the ongoing socio-economic changes and the necessity to provide psychological support for such women. Pregnancy is a crisis period, which is manifested at the physiological and psychological levels. Numerous studies have shown that for a successful pregnancy and childbirth, the following factors are required: the social environment, the availability of family support, the attitude of the woman to her condition. Anxiety is of particular importance for the physiological and psychological state of a woman among other personal characteristics. One of the central concepts that characterize the psychological aspects of pregnant women is the type of psychological component of the gestational dominant (PСGD). In this study, we analyze the basic traits of the personality (five-factor model) as predictors of PCGD. Additionally, differences in personality traits are investigated in connection with the dominant type of PCGD. The sample of the study includes women with (233) and without (203) maternity experience (pregnant with the first child). It has been found that the type of PСGD is associated primarily with neuroticism, agreeableness, and openness to experience. The less adaptive type of PСGD associates with emotional instability and negative interaction with other people. In general, the status of a woman (with or without maternity experience) does not have a significant effect on the type of PСGD. Based on the research results, it is possible to develop psychological support programs for women with different maternity experiences.

Keywords: pregnancy, gestation dominant, personality, extraversion, neuroticism.


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Received 01.08.2018

For citation:

Kornienko D.S., Radosteva A.G. Personal traits as predictors of the type of psychological component of the gestation dominant in association with maternity experience // Perm University Herald. Series «Philosophy. Psychology. Sociology». 2018. Iss. 3. P. 393–405. DOI: 10.17072/2078-7898/2018-3-393-405


* Исследование выполнено при поддержке Российского фонда фундаментальных исследований, проект «Динамика психологических характеристик женщин с различным репродуктивным статусом: межгрупповой и внутригрупповой анализ» (№ 17-16-59001).