Russian version of the article

Issue 1 (25) 2016

DOI: 10.17072/2078-7898/2016-1-136-147

The Social Well-being of the Population
of the Vologda Region in 2010–2015

Kaminskiy Vadim Sergeevich
Research Engineer of Laboratory for Research
of Social Processes and Efficiency
of Public Administration

Institute of Socio-Economic Development of Territories of the Russian Academy of Sciences ,
56a, Gorkiy str., Vologda, 160014, Russia;

The social well-being is a subjective indicator of the quality of life of the population and the efficiency of public administration. There are many methods of well-being measurement, which can be divided into two groups: author’s and organizations’ (CSDF, WCIOM, CSSCC IP RAS).

The measurement of social well-being in the Vologda region is carried out by ISEDT RAS since 2008 with the method of CSSCC IP RAS. This method allows to record the three basic components of social well-being: safety from various dangers, life satisfaction and optimism concerning the present and the future. Monitoring mode and inter-regional nature of the study allows to diagnose changes in the moods of the population, including in the regional context and the context of social groups.

The research allows to draw the following conclusions:

 Between 2010 and 2015 life satisfaction significantly increased, at the same time, the level of social optimism and safety from various dangers decreased.

 In 2015 the lowest level of social optimism and life satisfaction was fixed among the poorest residents of the region, persons with low levels of education and among the residents of municipalities. At the same time, the minimum value of the index of security from various threats was fixed among the wealthiest group. In 20102015 the same category demonstrated the most significant decline in the coefficient of security and social optimism. Thus, public moods are influenced not only by the current financial situation, but also by the forecasts on macro-economic conditions, living standards, social status, political situation, etc.

Key words: methodology; socio-cultural portrait of the region; monitoring of public opinion; the index of social well-being; the coefficient of security; the coefficient of life satisfaction;the coefficient of social optimism.


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The date of the manuscript receipt 27.10.2015

Please cite this article in English as:

Kaminskiy V.S. The social well-being of the population of the Vologda region in 2010–2015 // Perm University Herald. Series «Philosophy. Psychology. Sociology». 2016. Iss. 1(25). P. 136–147.