Russian version of the article

Issue 1 (25) 2016

DOI: 10.17072/2078-7898/2016-1-74-83


Potapova Yulia Viktorovna
Senior Lecturer of Department of Pedagogics
and Psychology

Omsk State Medical University,
12, Lenin str., Omsk, 644043, Russia;

The study of separation between parents and maturing children has been gaining popularity in the national psychology. Modern authors often turn to the family situation of the young men studying separation in terms of relations with parents. In this study, the emphasis is put on the personality of a young man, his characteristics connected with the parameters of the inner, psychological separation and external, physical one expressed in living separately from parents. The purpose of research is a comparison of coping behavior of young people living apart and with their parents and having different levels of the emotional separation. The main objectives of the study are a selection of strategies, mainly used for coping with a difficult life situation as a whole, as well as the identification of coping strategies used for dealing with the specific situation of physical separation in the group of youngsters living separately from their parents. The comparison showed that if a young person has a high level of emotional separation from parents, he often uses active coping and behaves positively under stress in general and when coping with a difficult situation of leaving home. Having a low level of emotional separation from parents a young man often seeks the emotional and public support, is focused on emotions, uses religious coping. Thus, the degree of emotional separation from parents can potentially predict adulthood coping in adolescence. The higher level of emotional separation from parents, the more often a person uses an independent, active, rational coping. These results can be used in the study of psychological separation from parents as well as in psychological practice for resolving conflicts between parents and maturing children. Further research is aimed at studying of other types of separation, attitudinal and functional, and their connection with the psychological characteristics of boys and girls.

Key words: emotional separation; coping; parent-child relationships; adolescence; personal maturity; difficult life situations; the situation of separation.


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The date of the manuscript receipt 27.01.2016

Please cite this article in English as:

Potapova Yu.V. Peculiarities of coping behavior of boys and girls with different levels of emotional separation // Perm University Herald. Series «Philosophy. Psychology. Sociology». 2016. Iss.1(25). P.74–83.