Russian version of the article
DOI: 10.17072/2078-7898/2016-2-15-23
Hegel’s alienation
Burkov Roman Borisovich
Ph.D. Student of the Department of Philosophy
Perm State University,
15, Bukirev str., Perm, 614990, Russia;
The article reveals the alienation concept in heritage of Hegel. This paradigm funds the teaching of Hegel. In some sense, one may say all the teaching of Hegel is one big alienation theory, where alienation is an inseparable predicate of a significant number of contained elements of his conception. Therefore, the author makes explicit its content from a single Hegelian theory with the aim of restoring the path taken by Hegel in the process of forming this concept. The link is set between the development of Hegel’s ideas and the socio-economic environment in which this theory formed. In addition genetics of the problem of the immediate predecessors of the German thinker is considered. The article explores the movement of «alienation», its separate stages, specific and universal features, making a historical and comparative analysis (in German idealism). The role of this concept in the system of Hegel, its semantic relationship with the group other related concepts, is revealed. Therefore we get historical and philosophic research of alienation concept in Hegel’s philosophy. It is Hegel who made this concept a universal one. He synthesized two of its scope, connecting them together and giving the first universal patterns of alienation. His discoveries have consolidated these results in philosophy and made them an integral part of itself, preparing a further revolution in the progress of this problem, carried out of the founders of Marxism.
Keywords: Hegel; alienation; thingification; dialectics; idealism; thingness; labor.
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The date of the manuscript receipt 29.01.2016
Please cite this article in English as:
Burkov R.B. Hegel’s alienation // Perm University Herald. Series «Philosophy. Psychology. Sociology». 2016. Iss. 2(26). P.15–23. doi: 10.17072/2078-7898/2016-2-15-23