Russian version of the article

DOI: 10.17072/2078-7898/2016-2-86-94

Psychological interventions in the development
of health eating behavior

Shevkova Elena Viktorovna
Ph.D. in Psychology, Docent, Associate Professor
of Department of General and Clinical Psychology

Perm State University,
15, Bukirev str., Perm, 614990, Russia;

Mishenkova Olga Vladimirovna
manager LLC « Billing Systems»,
12, Malkov str., Perm, 614087, Russia;

The article focuses on the results of comparing the effects of group programs dealing with health eating behavior. This programs are based on two models — Trans-theoretical Model (J. Prochazka, C. DiClemente) and Health Behaviour Internalization Model (A. Bellg). The study involved 2 groups of women (10 in each group), willing to reduce weight, aged from 27 to 67 years. Before and after the program measurements of the weight and characteristics of eating behaviour and self-efficacy in eating situations were carried out.

In both programs were found such effects as increasing of self-efficacy in the choice between a low-calorie food and high-calorie food in different situations, the growth of interoceptive competence and weight redusing (in the period of 2 months). Another effect of Health Behaviour Internalization odel ws reducing of «inefficiency» — incapability of personal life control.

It was found that a program of psychological interventions, based on the Health Behavior Internalization model was more successful in the development of self-efficacy in situations where social and internal factors provoke overeating, as well as in the development of interoceptive competence.

Key words: health psychology; health behaviour; eating behaviour; Trans-theoretical Model; Health Behavior Internalization Model; self-efficacy; interoceptive competence.


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The date of the manuscript receipt 18.01.2016

Please cite this article in English as:

Shevkova E.V., Mishenkova O.V. Psychological interventions in the development of health eating behavior // Perm University Herald. Series «Philosophy. Psychology. Sociology». 2016. Iss.2(26). P.86–94. doi: 10.17072/2078-7898/2016-2-86-94