DOI: 10.17072/2078-7898/2017-2-216-224


Poznina Natalia Anatol’evna
Ph.D. in Psychology, Docent, Deputy Head

Southern Federal University, Institute of Computer
Technologies and Information Safety,
2, Chekhov str., Taganrog, Rostov region, 347922, Russia;
ORCID: 0000-0001-6825-4371

Khaibulina Elvira Il’yasovna
Ph.D. Student of the Departmentof Psychology and Life Safety

Southern Federal University, Institute of Computer
Technologies and Information Safety,
2, Chekhov str., Taganrog, Rostov region, 347922, Russia;
ORCID: 0000-0003-4254-0470

The article presents the results of the research aimed at finding a data processing algorithm obtained by the method of limiting meanings. Based on the analysis of responses of 279 people of different ages and religious affiliation, it has been concluded that there is a limited set of answers to questions and some patterns of language, which allows for the grouping procedure. As a result, a number of global groups of answers reflecting the spheres of life most important for a modern human have been distinguished. Examples of these could be the spheres of cognition, life, development, communication, entertainment, comfort, emotions, happiness, problems, activities, helping people, and others. Each of these categories has an important place in a person’s worldview, which, however, does not imply their equivalence. This is emphasized by the different positions in the overall response system, the analysis of which allows for partial objectification of the system of representations, its components and their interactions. The study results allow researchers to deepen the interpretation of the data obtained with the use of the method under study, analyzing not only the content but also the structural aspect of the worldview.

Keywords: the method of limiting meanings, worldview, categories, system of representations.


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The date of the manuscript receipt 12.12.2016

Please cite this article in English as:

Poznina N.A., Khaibulina E.I. The method of limiting meanings: strategies for analyzing intermediate categories // Perm University Herald. Series «Philosophy. Psychology. Sociology». 2017. Iss. 2. P.216224.
DOI: 10.17072/2078-7898/2017-2-216-224