DOI: 10.17072/2078-7898/2018-2-243-251


Aleksander N. Lebedev
Doctor of Psychology

Leading Researcher,
Institute of Psychology of Russian Academy of Sciences,
13, Yaroslavskaya str., Moscow, 129366, Russia;

Professor of the Department of Social Psychology,
Moscow Institute of Psychoanalysis,
34/14, Kutuzovskiy av., Moscow, 121170, Russia;

ORCID: 0000-0003-1030-9709

The concept of psychological state of society is becoming popular in Russian psychology due to the spread of macro-psychological approach. In this case, not only the individual, but also the society as a whole, can be considered as a subject of activity, self-organizing system. The aim of the study is to develop a simple model of indexes describing the psychological state of Russian society. These indicators should allow predicting the psychological state of Russian society in the future as well. The main hypothesis of the study is that one of the backbone factors, determining the psychological state of society and its dynamics, is based on the different types of social polarization. The study distinguishes between objective polarization of society ( economic, political, social, etc.) and subjective one (psychological). It is assumed that the stronger the psychological polarization, the higher the probability of deterioration of the psychological state of society. At the same time, objective polarization becomes a factor of social instability when it is recognized and considered by the majority of the population as an indicator of disadvantage. Otherwise, different forms of inequality usually do not cause significant problems. Preliminary results of empirical research in accordance with the developed theoretical model are presented. The answers of respondents to the questions of several questionnaires were analyzed. Respondents were asked to assess the political, economic and social situation in Russia now and in the future. It was also proposed to assess the psychological polarization of society. The study showed that the evaluation of the subjective characteristics of the psychological state of society, taking into account the peculiarities of its psychological polarization, is promising for the development of the system of indicators. The need to clarify the definition of the psychological state of society is mentioned. In particular, it is necessary to distinguish between people’s perceptions of the psychological state of society and its objective characteristics.

Keywords: methodology of psychology, general psychology, predictors and indicators of the psychological state of society, modeling of psychological phenomena.


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Received 19.03.2018

For citation:

Lebedev A.N. The psychological state of Russian society in the light of macro-psychological approach // Perm University Herald. Series «Philosophy. Psychology. Sociology». 2018. Iss.2. P. 243–251. DOI: 10.17072/2078-7898/2018-2-243-251

* Исследование проводится при поддержке РФФИ (грант № 17-29-02104 офи_м «Индикаторы и предикторы психологического состояния российского общества»).