DOI: 10.17072/2078-7898/2018-3-406-419

Moral activity of a person as a system

Alexandr O. Ryazhkin
Ph.D. Student of the Department of Psychology

Chelyabinsk State University,
129, Kashirin brothers str., Chelyabinsk, 454001, Russia;
ORCID: 0000-0001-8309-8047

This article focuses on the problem of moral activity of a person, as a highest form of social activity, in terms of the system-subject approach. This approach considers moral activity as a dynamic system represented in the subject-personality continuum. The author distinguishes components of moral activity represented in both spheres: in the sphere of personality and in the subject sphere. As part of a personality, moral activity acts as a value-semantic sphere, which determines the direction of personal activity. In the subject sphere, moral activity is manifested through its main function: regulation of behavior. To investigate the behavior regulation function, the author used the mental construct «control of behavior», which allows one to investigate activity regulation on three levels: emotions, will and cognition. To substantiate this approach, the author conducted an empirical correlation research. The purpose of this research was to find the most significant relations between the components of moral activity. Students of Chelyabinsk State University were the sample group. The author used the following methods for studying the value-semantic sphere: «Life-meaning Sense of Orientation» by D. Leontiev and «Value Questionnaire» by Sh. Shvarts. Several different methods were used to study the subject sphere of moral activity: «Behavior Self-regulation Style» by V. Morosanova, «Control Over the Action» by Yu. Kul and «Methods of Coping Behavior» by R. Lazarus. These methods were applied for the investigation of cognitive, will and emotional levels of behavior control, respectively. The research results allow us to suppose the existence of a moral activity dynamic system, represented in the personal and subject spheres, and to identify certain features of the investigated phenomenon. Moreover, the received results support theoretical foundations applied to the term «moral activity».

Keywords: morality, moral activity, social activity, system, subject, personality, system-subject approach, emotional control, control of will, cognitive control.


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Received 13.03.2018

For citation:

Ryazhkin A.O. Moral activity of a person as a system // Perm University Herald. Series «Philosophy. Psychology. Sociology». 2018. Iss. 3. P. 406–419. DOI: 10.17072/2078-7898/2018-3-406-419