The concept of dramatization and its meanings

Mikhail S. Nassonov
Ph.D. in Philosophy, Associate Professor
of the Department of Humanities and Socio-Economic Disciplines

Perm State Pharmaceutical Academy,
101, Ekaterininskaya str., Perm, 614990, Russia;

Dramatization is a living, state-synthesizing, active internal activity peculiar to the subject; it is difficult to fit into a strict definition; thus, because of all the above, it appears to be a concept. Based on the peculiar methodology of Georges Bataille, with its goal to express the experience of the impossible, the categorical apparatus of M. Heidegger’s existential phenomenology, hermeneutics, historical and philosophical analysis and the use of the given concept, an attempt was made to penetrate the depths of the creative act and personality characteristics of the author. The latter (poet, philosopher) is engaged in mythopoiesis, he does not just create a special language and lives in it but conveys something through it, this being his destiny, his drama. In this regard, we should speak about the expression of Being, where dramatization plays a significant role. Dramatization is the process that helps to «go beyond oneself» to the unknown and transcendental. There are other meanings as well. For example, from an existential point of view, a person who dramatizes his existence becomes closer to understanding language, phenomena and the meaning of his life. Dramatization helps bridge the gap between things and words. The key figures of our research are Plato and G. Bataille, in whose philosophizing two types of dramatization are most clearly traced. The first type is rational, where drama unfolding in life and in one’s own philosophy is presented; the second one is irrational, associated with inner experience, mystical ecstasies, dramatization to exhaustion. At the same time, Plato and Bataille have common features: moments of experiencing death, incompleteness, and overcoming limits. This text may be of particular interest to those who deal with the philosophical problems of the creative process (further development of dramatization in relation to other similar concepts would help understand it at a higher qualitative level), a comparative analysis of antiquity and postmodernism.

Keywords: dramatization, concept, author, silence, Plato, Bataille, inner experience, ecstasy, expression of being, poeticizing, gap.



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Received 01.05.2019

For citation:

Nassonov M.S. The concept of dramatization and its meanings // Perm University Herald. Series «Philosophy. Psychology. Sociology». 2019. Iss. 2. P. 169–179. DOI: