Roman social «community» in epigram of Martialis (axiology of the socially differentiated whole)

Nikolay N. Misyurov
Doctor of Philosophy, Professor,
Professor of the Department of Journalism and Media Linguistics

Dostoyevsky Omsk State University,
55a, Mira av., Omsk, 644077, Russia;

The study deals with differentiated social «communities» peculiar to the Roman society of the late period (Empire era), which formed the «meaningful contents» of the everyday life culture constructs. As one of the typical «artifacts» there are considered «book» texts (epigrams of Martialis), reflecting «small» events of social and family life of Rome. The study aims to trace the transformation of traditional social communities (of the class, family, political, professional, ethnic types) caused by historical social practice, Roman ideology, mental concepts and stereotypes of social behavior. The methodology of the study is determined by the interrelations of the «epistemological fields» of related disciplines within which the studied phenomena are represented in different aspects. The research is conducted at the intersection of philosophy, sociology (including sociology of culture) and textual criticism; the axiological aspect of the problem under discussion acquires a special meaning. The analyses of literary sources allows to trace the static and dynamics of the daily culture of antiquity, reflecting the profound changes that occurred both in the formation structures of the «great» Rome and in the sociocultural space of Roman antiquity. The scope of application of the research results is not limited to the field of humanities; possible follow-up may involve expansion of the range of sources (up to material sources, such as archaeological, statistical) and specialization in one of the areas indicated in the paper. The conclusions demonstrate the potential of the axiological approach (in conjunction with the philosophy of culture and social psychology) to the studied social and cultural phenomena.

Keywords: community, differentiation, social identities, single and common, culture of everyday life, semantic structures, lifestyles.


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Received 30.04.2020

For citation:

Misyurov N.N. [Roman social «community» in epigram of Martialis (axiology of the socially differentiated whole)]. Vestnik Permskogo universiteta. Filosofia. Psihologia. Sociologia [Perm University Herald. Philosophy. Psychology. Sociology], 2020, issue 3, pp. 365–374 (in Russian). DOI: