Interconnection between personality’s responsibility and procrastination in early and late adolescence

Elena A. Cherkevich
Ph.D. in Psychology, Docent,
Associate Professor of the Department of Psychology

Omsk State Pedagogical University,
14, Tukhachevsky emb., Omsk, 644099, Russia;

Due to the digitalization of society and culture and the consequently accelerating pace of life, the modern man faces the need to solve many problems. Adolescents, as being persons at their formation stage, having become multi-tasking, cannot fully cope with the situation that has arisen due to the lack of self-regulation mechanisms, personal traits and qualities. This problem influenced the choice of the topic of our study. The study of the relationship between personality’s responsibility and procrastination in adolescence through volitional qualities is of practical importance for the effective organization of the educational process and provision of psychological and pedagogical support for students of this age within the process. Responsibility is understood in the paper as the control performed by an individual in various forms of activity from the standpoint of the norms and rules accepted by this individual. We investigated procrastination as a process of voluntary postponement of various activities by a person despite the expected negative consequences. There was revealed a relationship among the indicators of responsibility, procrastination and volitional qualities in the period from early to late adolescence, which intensifies and differs in the number of indicators, in the strength and nature of the relationship. For early adolescence, there were detected significant, strong correlations between the indicator of responsibility in present and the indicator of volitional qualities (self-discipline), while for the period of late adolescence we revealed significant correlations of the responsibility indicator with the indicators of volitional qualities (self-discipline, perseverance), as well as between the responsibility indicator with the procrastination indicator and the indicator of volitional quality (perseverance).

Keywords: personality, responsibility, procrastination, will, volitional qualities, age, development, education, activity, vital activity.



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Received 23.04.2020

For citation:

Cherkevich E.A. [Interconnection between personality’s responsibility and procrastination in early and late adolescence]. Vestnik Permskogo universiteta. Filosofia. Psihologia. Sociologia [Perm University Herald. Philosophy. Psychology. Sociology], 2020, issue 2, pp. 259–269 (in Russian). DOI: