Emotional motives of adolescent suicidal behavior

Evgeny A. Pyriev
Ph.D. in Psychology, Docent, Psychologist

Center of Psychological, Pedagogical, Medical
and Social Assistance of Vyborg district,
7-А, Kostromskoy av., Saint Petersburg, 194017, Russia;

Yulia A. Ocheretina

Center of Psychological, Pedagogical, Medical
and Social Assistance of Vyborg district,
7-А, Kostromskoy av., Saint Petersburg, 194017, Russia;

In this article, emotions are considered as the motives of unintentional suicidal behavior of adolescents. The emotions that «destroy ties» are examined. They are manifested in. The phenomenon of «adolescent suicidal behavior» refers to completed and incomplete suicides, thoughts, attitudes, conversations, as well as preparatory actions for leaving life. The author argues that elementary, or basic, emotions of fear, sadness, and disgust «rise» from neurophysiological processes, i.e. «down up»; they create «tunnel consciousness» at the psychological level and are realized in unintentional suicidal behavior. Leaving life is explained by a specific state of consciousness when a teenager is in a state of tunnel perception and thinking. The emotions that «destroy ties» (fear, sadness, disgust) are reflected in the psyche, forming suicidal plans and suicidal behavior. The hormones serotonin, dopamine and adrenaline are involved in the genesis of suicidal behavior. Emotions «destroying ties» are categorized as «toxic» on the basis that they create a deficiency of hormones — neurotransmitters, which ultimately affects behavior. The mediating function in this motivational scheme is performed by tunnel perception and thinking. At the psychological level, all of this leads to unintentional suicidal behavior. This behavior differs from situational, impulsive and affective in the extended time of performing motor acts — from several hours to weeks and months. In a situation of experiencing toxic emotions, the elements of consciousness - attention, perception and thinking — lead to a state in which a teenager loses many conscious acts of control over the psyche and behavior: there is no adequate assessment of the situation and the ability to predict, and thus the behavior becomes unintentionally destructive.

Keywords: emotional motives, adolescent suicidal behavior, tunnel thinking, toxic emotions, unintentional behavior.



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Received 13.08.2020

For citation:

Pyriev E.A., Ocheretina Yu.A. [Emotional motives of adolescent suicidal behavior]. Vestnik Permskogo universiteta. Filosofia. Psihologia. Sociologia [Perm University Herald. Philosophy. Psychology. Sociology], 2020, issue 4, pp. 596–609 (in Russian). DOI: