An actor’s management activity as a potential for the conflict of interests: the convergent approach

Evgeniy M. Shumkin
Senior Lecturer of the Department of Administrative,
Financial and Corporate Law

Novosibirsk State University of Economics and Management,
56, Kamenskaya st., Novosibirsk, 630099, Russia;

Being a relatively young academic field in Russia, sociology of management started to study the problems of managerial activity not long ago. There exist different approaches to studying it, which leads to pluralism of scientific opinions and theories. Various social processes and elements of the social sphere that determine management activities are presented as accentuated objects. The article provides theoretical understanding of individual and corporate actors and the totality of their interests through the prism of management activities linking them. Moreover, the potential for conflict of interest, as a point of social growth for the actors is conceptualized taking into account their subjective and objective behavioral activity. Assessing the rationality of an individual actor’s behavioral activity and self-selected economic activity, the author touches upon the role of human capital in management as a phenomenon. The person is a nominal part of social management and the process-forming element of a concrete administrative activity even if not being identified with it. The convergent approach as an approach of total knowledge, practices, theories, individual aspects and as an actual interdisciplinary and TRANS-scientific approach is applied to build a certain management model. This model is adequate to external aggressive environment conditions (market, political system, professional community) and immanent resource (intangible, first of all) problems. This is required for the correct construction of the social organization, relevance to the established rules of behavior and for achieving the effectiveness of the management activity itself and the activities it has an impact on. The strengthening of the entire social structure is facilitated by the development of all its social elements. Thus, management activity of corporate actors, as well as financial and economic activity of those are at the forefront of the economy. Consequently, behavioral activities of individuals faced with such stress factors as uncertainty and large amounts of information should be aimed at making productive management decisions.

Keywords: corporate actor, management activity, management decisions, conflict of interest.


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Received 09.12.2019

For citation:

Shumkin E.M. [An actor’s management activity as a potential for the conflict of interests: the convergent approach]. Vestnik Permskogo universiteta. Filosofia. Psihologia. Sociologia [Perm University Herald. Philosophy. Psychology. Sociology], 2020, issue 1, pp. 152–161 (in Russian). DOI: