Psychological features of the accuracy of reproduction of a given samplin various psychoemotional states

Irina V. Polyakova
Candidate of Psychology, Associate Professor
of the Department of General PsychologySmolensk State University,
4, Przhevalsky st., Smolensk, 214000, Russia;
ResearcherID: AFS-5304-2022

The article is devoted to the study of psychological features of reproduction of a given sample by the right and left hand of the subject in different psycho-emotional states. The relevance of the work is due to the need to reduce the perceptual error when reproducing a sample in different learning conditions. To this end, the subjects were asked to reproduce the sample set by the experimenter in a state of calm wakefulness, in a stressful situation, and immediately after the stress experienced. The accuracy of reproduction of the given sample was measured using a specially designed device that allowed generating a general error within a given time. Fifteen students of the Smolensk State University took part in the experiment. The study found that the accuracy of the sample reproduction depends on the psycho-emotional state of a student. The state of calm wakefulness is optimal for accurate reproduction of a strain gauge sample. Psychological features of the transfer of tensometric skills of the hands are connected to the peculiarities of psychoemotional states and are not elementary operational actions. The pattern of the distribution of the reproduction accuracy results for the reproduction performed by the right and left hand of the subject in different psycho-emotional states turned out to be different. The accuracy of reproducing the sample with the right hand in a state of psychoemotional tension is lower than in a state of calm wakefulness. On the contrary, the error of reproducing the sample with the left hand in a state of psychoemotional tension is lower. The obtained results can be used in psychodiagnostics to clarify the features of experiencing the psychoemotional states by subjects.

Keywords: sensory standard, perception, perception accuracy, reproduction error, skill transfer, consciousness.


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Received: 20.09.2021. Revised: 25.11.2021. Accepted: 29.11.2021


For citation:

Polyakova I.V. [Psychological features of the accuracy of reproduction of a given samplin various psychoemotional states]. Vestnik Permskogo universiteta. Filosofia. Psihologia. Sociologia [Perm University Herald. Philosophy. Psychology. Sociology], 2022, issue 1, pp. 159–166 (in Russian). DOI: