Social mood in single-industry towns of Khakassia

Olga L. Lushnikova 
Candidate of Sociology, Senior Researcher
of the Department of Economics and SociologyKhakass Research Institute for Language, Literature and History,
23, Schetinkin st., Abakan, Republic of Khakassia, 655017, Russia;
ResearcherID: M-8777-2016

The socio-economic development of any single-industry territory mainly depends on the prosperity of the city-forming enterprise, and this makes the city vulnerable, especially in crisis times. During such periods, social well-being of the population worsens, protest moods increase, social tension accrues, which can lead to open conflicts. The main problem lies in the timely detection of potentially dangerous hotbeds of social explosion. Therefore, it is important to monitor changes in the social moods for regulating the factors of social tension. As a hypothesis, it was suggested that the social moods of residents of single-industry territories depend on the current socio-economic situation: the mood is more optimistic in single-industry territories with a stable situation and is pessimistic in single-industry territories with a difficult situation. There was conducted a survey among the residents of single-industry territories of Khakassia (n=1,000). The results confirmed the main hypothesis of the study. Social moods are more depressive in single-industry territories with the most difficult economic situation. This is evidenced by negative assessments given by the residents with regard to their life, low satisfaction, the lack of prospects for the situation to improve, and dependent psychology — the expectation of help from the state. Despite the tense situation on the labor market, social mood is more optimistic in single-industry territories only being at risk, which may be due to more attractive living conditions. However, the results show that subjective assessments have a more significant impact on social moods than quantitative indicators of living standards. It proves the importance of non-economic mechanisms for regulating the factors of social tension, which can be more effective, especially in times of crisis.

Keywords: single-industry town, single-industry territory, social mood, city-forming enterprise, Khakassia.


The research was funded by RFBR, project No. 19-49-190001 р_а «Social problems of single-industry towns in Khakassia: factors, dynamics, search for solutions».


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Received: 19.10.2021. Revised: 28.12.2022. Accepted: 10.03.2022

For citation:

Lushnikova O.L. [Social mood in single-industry towns of Khakassia]. Vestnik Permskogo universiteta. Filosofia. Psihologia. Sociologia [Perm University Herald. Philosophy. Psychology. Sociology], 2021, issue 1, pp. 175–185 (in Russian). DOI: