- Ustinov O.A. Philosophical-anthropological project of G.P.Shchedrovitsky: Historical and philosophical analysis
- Reutov A.S. Visual phenomenology of M.Merleau-Ponty
- Vnutskih A.Y. Global catastrophic risks in the light of unified objectively determined universal process concept. Part 2
- Dinaburg S.R. Potential of psychotherapy as humanitarian practice: philosophical analysis
- Kostareva A.A. Problem of the relation of the conscious and the unconscious in scientific philosophy
- Borovkova O.V. Some aspects of the problem of the historical cognition subject in postmodernism
- Pochtaryova E.Y. Value-meaning sphere of personality: essence, determinants, mechanisms of development
- Shtoda O.E. Peculiarities of personal attitude of senior pre-school children to nature
- Zubakin M.V. Media violence: theories and investigations
- Kusakina E.A. Personal features of a cinologist of the penitentiary system at different stages of the professional formation
- Prokofyeva A.V. Absolute, relational, and epistemological conceptions of space and their use for the sociological analysis of a city
- Yakovleva O.K. Charitable behavior as a form of social activism in Russia
- Kozyrev M.S. The social environment of the modern Russian ruling elite (based on publications of representatives of the political party «United Russia»)
- Smoleva E.O. Interpersonal alienation of the region’s population (case study of the Vologda region)
- Korolenko A.V., Barsukov V.N. Health status as a factor of labor activity of the retirement-age population