Dialectics of the formation and development of the human personality’s spatiotemporal structure. Opening up and crash of the for-self existential horizon

Andrey V. Politov
Ph.D. in Philosophy,
Associate Professor of the Department of Philosophy and Law

Perm National Research Polytechnic University,
29, Komsomolskiy av., Perm, 614990, Russia;

The goal is to study the essence of dialectical principles for-other and for-self and their modes, which form one of the levels of the spatiotemporal structure of human existence — personal chronotopology. The theoretical and methodological basis is due to the synthesis of the cultural centrism, dialectical and organicist models of the universe, the relational interpretation of time and space and the chronotopological concept. As a result, the dialectical foundations of the formation of the spatiotemporal frame of the human personality are revealed according to the principles for-other and for-self. The principle for-other forms the personal chronotope, placing it in a situation of communication with others, depriving the personal being of independence, isolation, immersing it in the sphere of alienation and care that characterizes the public space of social chronotopology. But it is precisely in the event of alienation and the existential fall of communication for-other that the personal world is reconstructed through deformation and destruction into a sphere that has the ability to copresence with the personal worlds of Others, who are firstly discovered as equal and independent actors of social sphere. At the for-other stage, the person joins social chronotopology, gets the ability to orientate in the world around him and opens the way to finding the next for-self stage. The chronotopological principle for-self serves as the final generative model of space and time of the human personality, according to which the personal world opens up the possibility of existence, freedom, involvement with the transcendent, catharsis and ecstatic experience, fullness of being, existentially genuine coexistence with the Other. The principle for-self finally constructs a personal chronotope and enriching him with an ethical, aesthetic, axiological and existential horizon.

Keywords: chronotopos, space, time, locus, personality, human, culture.


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Received 27.05.2020


For citation:

Politov A.V. [Dialectics of the formation and development of the human personality’s spatiotemporal structure. Opening up and crash of the for-self existential horizon]. Vestnik Permskogo universiteta. Filosofia. Psihologia. Sociologia [Perm University Herald. Philosophy. Psychology. Sociology], 2020, issue 4, pp. 531–540 (in Russian). DOI: