Russian women’s public opinion on state measures to stimulate the birth rate and support families with children (based on the materials of sociological study in Altai krai)

Angelina N. Shrayber
Ph.D. in Sociology, Associate Professor
of the Department of Empirical Sociology and Conflictology

Altay State University,
61, Lenin av., Barnaul, 656049, Russia;

Valentina A. Artjukhina
Ph.D. in Sociology, Associate Professor
of the Department of Empirical Sociology and Conflictology

Altay State University,
61, Lenin av., Barnaul, 656049, Russia;

Olga N. Kolesnikova
Ph.D. in Sociology, Docent,
Head of the Institute of Social Sciences

Altay State University,
61, Lenin av., Barnaul, 656049, Russia;

The effectiveness of national projects in solving socially significant problems is largely determined by the approval of the population of Russia. Consequently, public policy measures to overcome the demographic crisis should be subject to public evaluation. A sociological survey in Altai Krai was conducted to find out how women subjectively assess the effectiveness of federal and regional measures aimed at stimulating the birth rate and supporting families with children. The survey involved women of reproductive age. The results showed that further childbearing depends not only on economic factors but also on a number of other socio-demographic and psychological conditions: age, health status, personal motivation for birth and the opinion of the spouse in this matter. The possibility of receiving state support is an incentive to give birth to a child for a small percentage of women. The state measures of financial support are gradually reaching their limit of effectiveness with regard to the impact they have on women’s reproductive behavior. This can lead to negative consequences of financial support for families at the birth of a child. Such measures resonate among low-income groups but do not have a stimulating effect on more affluent families. According to respondents, measures that can overcome the birth rate crisis in Altai Krai include: improving the standard of living and economic independence of families; developing forms of employment that allow combining work and family; state financial support for the birth and upbringing of children; state support for families in need of better housing conditions; development of social infrastructure; promoting family values, supporting and strengthening the prestige of the family; preventative measures aimed at reproductive health; increasing the availability of modern reproductive technologies and improving the pedagogical culture of parents and supporting responsible parenting.

Keywords: state policy to stimulate the birth rate and support families with children, birth rate crisis, public opinion of women.


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Received 22.08.2020

For citation:

Shrayber A.N., Artjukhina V.A., Kolesnikova O.N. [Russian women’s public opinion on state measures to stimulate the birth rate and support families with children (based on the materials of sociological study in Altai krai)]. Vestnik Permskogo universiteta. Filosofia. Psihologia. Sociologia [Perm University Herald. Philosophy. Psychology. Sociology], 2020, issue 3, pp. 659–668 (in Russian). DOI: