The concept «brain-psyche-(mind/consciousness...)» and the question of hypertheory of the concept


The concept «brain-psyche-(mind/consciousness...)» and the question of hypertheory of the concept

Irina V. Yershova-Babenko
Doctor of Philosophical Sciences, Professor,
Professor of the Department of Art History and General Humanities

International Humanitarian University
33, Fontanskaya rd., Odessa, 65000, Ukraine;

In the context of research on problematization of human, the aspect of the human essence in a human is emphasized and the need to develop a hyper-level theory of the concept of «brain-psyche-(mind/consciousness...)» as a natural phenomenon in human life is proposed. We consider this phenomenon and, therefore, the concept, as non-linear macro-/hyperintegrity (holism). The basis for such an idea — the idea of hypertheory of the concept of «brain-psyche-(mind/consciousness...)» — is that the brain and the psyche, being components of the concept , are considered and investigated by specialists, including us, as an environment/system of synergistic order in whose behavior self-organization, chaos and dissipation play a controlling role. The brain and the psyche, included in the concept, are non-linear by definition. The fact that the issues of integrity are currently in the focus of research attention is due to transdisciplinarity as a new, deeper level of integration, which implies not only convergent penetration of scientific methods and disciplines but also the creation of such cognitive situations in which the scientific mind is forced to make the transition to practical life in search of integrity. In addition, it becomes relevant to search for theoretical-methodological research tools adequate to phenomena of this class for their description as nonlinear integralities of a given level of complexity. It is understood that the human brain and mind, in the unity of their activities throughout human life, express some indivisible unity. One of such tools is the conceptual model (philosophical category) «the Whole in the Whole», which includes integrity, nonlinearity and complexity, making it possible to consider the presented macro-/hyperintegrity in an integral unity. The article analyzes one of the aspects of the concept of «brain-psyche-(mind/consciousness...)» related to chaotization, which is inevitable in its non-linear behavior and which shows that both brain and psyche are continuously changing entities: from structure and system to the manifestation of the quality of environment and dynamic chaos. Their non-equilibrium and extreme non-equilibrium are prerequisites for their survival.

Keywords: «brain-psyche-(mind/consciousness...)», nonlinear integrity, «whole in the whole», psychosynergetics, self-organization, non-humandimensionality, «digital subject», «digital society».


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Received: 01.08.2021. Accepted: 31.08.2021

For citation:

Yershova-Babenko I.V. [Concept «brain-psyche-(mind/consсiousness…)» and the question of hypertheory concept]. Vestnik Permskogo universiteta. Filosofia. Psihologia. Sociologia [Perm University Herald. Philosophy. Psychology. Sociology], 2021, issue 3, pp. 405–412 (in Russian). DOI: