Russian version of the article

DOI: 10.17072/2078-7898/2016-3-122-128


Kulagina Natalia Vladimirovna
Ph.D. in Psychology, Head of the Department
of Natural Sciences and Humanities

Perm State University (Berezniki branch),
33, Lenin str., Berezniki, Perm Krai, 618400, Russia;

In condition of a modern socio-economic situation it’s important a professional of any field to have an ability of self-presentation, his personal qualities and his professional achievements demonstrating for growing of his competitive strength. An effective self-presentation behavior promotes a social and professional success; it has also a positive influence on a business reputation and professional environment status. Any difficulties and problems which a person may experience while having a business self-presentation, have a negative influence on his adaptation, career development, professional improvement, capability of a business interaction.

Modern authors quite often address to the gender stereotypes issues in a mode of self-expression, social self-presentation particularly in a business world. During a long period of time the researchers were determining the significant distinguish points between sexes in this field. However there were some approaches changes to the interpretation of the business psychology, business style, men’s and women’s behavior. That’s why there is a necessity of new researches in this field, nowadays there are few of them. In connection with it, the provided study has an accent of peculiarities identifying of men’s and women’s self-presentation, whose activity is implemented in the business communication sphere. The research took place in Verhnekamye, in spring of 2015. There were 160 men and women — senior and middle managers. The special methods were used: the scale of self-monitoring of M. Snider, the scale measuring of self-presentation tactics of S. Li and B. Kwigli. As a result gender peculiarities in methods of impression control, self-monitoring and tactics of self-presentation were found. The practical importance of this research lies in a possibility to use the results for solving the problems connected with cultivating of self-presentation skills, self-presentation behavior and its adjustment in accordance with business communication requirements and creation of self-presentation competency.

Keywords: gender, gender stereotypes, gender personality type, self-presentation of the personality, self-monitoring, strategies and tactics of self-presentation.


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The date of the manuscript receipt 04.05.2016

Please cite this article in English as:

Kulagina N.V.Peculiarities of men’s and women’s self-presentation in business relationship // Perm University Herald. Series «Philosophy. Psychology. Sociology». 2016. Iss. 3(27). P. 122–128. doi: 10.17072/2078-7898/2016-3-122-128