The ideas of the person of work in classical sociology of organization management: Frederik Taylor and Elton Mayo

Olga A. Dobrina
Ph.D. in Sociology, Associate Professor
of the Department of Social Psychology and Victimology

Novosibirsk State Pedagogical University,
28, Viluyskaya str., Novosibirsk, 630126, Russia;

This paper purposes to generalize, systematize and clarify the basic concepts of sociology of the organization management representing an image of the person of work on the basis of the comparative analysis of two most famous scientists of the classical period of the theory of management — Frederik Winslow Taylor and George Elton Mayo. The axiological and methodological base of distinction of their theories are analyzed in the paper. Taylor describes the person of work as the one-dimensional object induced only by material benefit or fear of losing a job. It leads to the constant conflicts between workers and administration for settlement of which efforts of specially trained experts designed to develop and introduce rational methods of the scientific organization of work are necessary. Choosing priorities of production process Taylor gives strong preference to the technical equipment and technology, trying to adapt abilities and possibilities of the specific worker for them. It allows interpreting his theory as a technocratic utopia. Mayo represents the person of work as full partner of administration in achievement of common goals of the organization as the multidimensional personality induced to work by various motives of mainly social and psychological character. The main priority of administration in the theory of Mayo is the comprehensive development of social skills cooperation, as achievement of this purpose promotes not only success and prosperity of the organization, but also decrease in social tension in society in general. The comparative analysis, presented in the article, allows drawing a conclusion that both administrative doctrines are developed in the contemporary theory and practice of management in parallel. The sociology of the organization management is aimed at making and proving the choice of priorities between a technocratic utopia of Taylor and the humanistic doctrine of Mayo.

Keywords: sociology of the organization management, principles of management, image of the person of work, technocratic utopia, doctrine of the human relations, labor motivation.


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Received 31.07.2019

For citation:

Dobrina O.A. The ideas of the person of work in classical sociology of organization management: Frederik Taylor and Elton Mayo // Perm University Herald. Series «Philosophy. Psychology. Sociology». 2019. Iss. 3. P. 412–420. DOI: