DOI: 10.17072/2078-7898/2019-1-75-82

Individuality and self-representation: personality as an object and subject of consumption in the modern society

Ekaterina A. Urusova
Lecturer of the Department of Practical Psychology

Minin Nizhny Novgorod State Pedagogical University,
1, Ulyanov str., Nizhny Novgorod, 603950, Russia;

Entering the process of consumption, not only does the person construct their individual being and social reality but also completes their individuality, relying on symbols popular in the environment. Attempts to show one’s own personality are confronted with the ways of self-presentation accepted in the society, as well as with assessments from other people, so a person is faced with the necessity to choose what and how to present. The openness of self-presentation methods results in the spread of interest in individual aspects and characteristics of the personality and also causes its transition to the category of the object of consumption. At the same time, the desire to get a positive external evaluation from others entails «folding» of the individuality due to the demonstration of only certain aspects that are most in demand (that is, the most «consumed» ones). Such a process is associated with the desire to satisfy the needs for recognition and respect, to supplement the qualities, features, characteristics of the image of the «Self» or to hide the lack of the basic reality and understanding of oneself as an integral personality. On the other hand, identification of oneself in the sociocultural space, in the reference group, leads to the search for and selection of individuals that are of the greatest interest. Personality, while becoming a subject of consumption, objectifies the other, endowed with the desired qualities and characteristics, consuming the information communicated by it. However, such a process of consumption causes a feeling of incompleteness and inferiority of oneself, resulting from the impossibility of possessing the desired qualities, thus provoking ongoing search for objects of consumption, distancing from one’s own individuality and the loss of one’s own Self.

Keywords: personality, individuality, self-presentation, object of consumption, subject of consumption, consumer society, Internet communication, corporeality, body as an object of consumption, virtual reality, media images.


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Received 24.09.2018

For citation:

Urusova E.A. Individuality and self-representation: personality as an object and subject of consumption in the modern society // Perm University Herald. Series «Philosophy. Psychology. Sociology». 2019. Iss. 1. P. 75–82. DOI: 10.17072/2078-7898/2019-1-75-82