Psychological characteristics of women with crisis pregnancy in situation of reproductive choice

Irina M. Osipenko
Ph.D. in Psychology, Associate Professor
of the Department of Clinical Psychology

Smolensk State Medical University,
28, Krupskaya str., Smolensk, 214019, Russia;

In modern Russian society, interest to problems of reproductive choice psychology is becoming up-to-date. This is largely due to the increase of abortions, the transformation of women’s attitudes towards childbirth and motherhood, the increase in deliberate childlessness in favor of self-realization in other areas of life, especially, career. This situation entails not only socio-demographic difficulties, but also serious somatic and psychological problems for women themselves. The study is aimed at studying the psychological characteristics of women with crisis pregnancy in a situation of reproductive choice. The author considers that women in a situation of unplanned and crisis pregnancy, unlike women with a positive attitude towards pregnancy, are more likely to show destructive motives for maintaining pregnancy. They have more pronounced psychological difficulties in self-acceptance and positive attitude towards themselves, a greater sense of guilt as a condition and as traits, less respect for social norms and ethical requirements, and differences in coping strategies take place. The results show that the first group of respondents have strongly pronounced destructive motives for the continuation of pregnancy, i.e. increased concern about the material situation of their family, low level of readiness for motherhood, lack of motivation to devote themselves to parenthood because of study or career, reluctance to impose restrictions on their lives. Women with crisis pregnancies more often use confrontational behavior and escape-avoidance as coping strategies. Self-control, acceptance of responsibility, positive reassessment of the situation as a way of controlling behavior are observed more often in the control group. Women with crisis pregnancies show little faith in their forces and capabilities, low energy and poor understanding of themselves. They are characterized by the expectation of negative attitude towards themselves from others and the denial of both their external and internal qualities. However, they feel less guilty than women with a positive attitude towards pregnancy. At the same time, the experience of guilt as a generalized Self-concept (features) and the level of conscience as a personal characteristic are common to respondents of both groups in equal measure.

Keywords: crisis pregnancy, reproductive choice, motherhood, conscience, coping strategies, experience, self-loss, perceived index of guilt.


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Received 20.06.2019

For citation:

Osipenko I.M. Psychological characteristics of women with crisis pregnancy in situation of reproductive choice // Perm University Herald. Series «Philosophy. Psychology. Sociology». 2019. Iss. 3. P. 388–401. DOI: