Russian version of the article
DOI: 10.17072/2078-7898/2016-3-62-74
Vyatkin Bronislav Alexandrovich*
Doctor of Psychology, Professor,
Professorof the Department of Theoretical and Applied Psychology,
Director of Institute of Psychology
Perm State Humanitarian-Pedagogical University,
24, Sibirskaya str., Perm, 614990, Russia;
Zhdanova Svetlana Yurievna
Doctor of Psychology, Docent,
Headof the Department of Developmental Psychology
Perm State University,
15, Bukirev str., Perm, 614990, Russia;
The article presents an overview of the main studies carried out in the direction of approach of studying human individuality, from the point of view of the knowing subject. The results of empirical studies of individualities’ cognition among college students are given in the article.
It is shown that cognition of individuality depends on the time of acquaintance. Cognition of individuality of lightly known man differs from cognition of individuality of the well known man and from self cognition. The differences are that during condition of individuality of a lightly known man respondents pay much attention to outlook, and features of personality important for communication. During self cognition and cognition of individuality of nearest people respondents pay attention to features of higher levels of individuality and intellectual peculiarities. It reviews the features of individualities’ cognition among people of socionomic and non-socionomic professions. The individualities’ cognition of Significant Other on the example of the way mothers perceive their children’s’ individuality are presented. The article analyzes the results of study of individualities’ cognition in terms of virtual reality. It presents data concerning the study of image of politicians in connection with sex. The results of a study of the relationship between verbal and nonverbal characteristics of individuality on the example of studying oral narrative about happiness among representatives of different cultures are discussed.
Keywords: cognition of individuality, individuality as an object and subject of cognition.
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The date of the manuscript receipt 09.05.2016
Please cite this article in English as:
VyatkinB.A., ZhdanovaS.Yu.Psychlogy cognition of the individual: thirty years later // Perm University Herald. Series «Philosophy. Psychology. Sociology». 2016. Iss.3(27). P.62–74. doi: 10.17072/2078-7898/2016-3-62-74
* Статья посвящена 30-летию выхода в свет труда В.С. Мерлина «Очерк интегрального исследования индивидуальности» (М.: Педагогика, 1986).