DOI: 10.17072/2078-7898/2016-4-28-37


Ivanov Andrey Gennadievich
Ph.D. in Philosophy, Docent, Associate Professor
of the Department of State, Municipal Service and Management

Russian Presidential Academy of National Economy
and Public Administration (Lipetsk Branch),
3, Internatsionalnaya str., Lipetsk, 398050, Russia;

A systematic approach has been applied to the study of social mythology. Social mythology is considered as a system consisting of ontological, gnoseological, axiological and praxeological subsystems. Each subsystem includes a number of key components. To secure the presence of social mythology in society and to illustrate the components of the system of social mythology the term of «conceptual notion – mythological attractor» is introduced. This term means a phenomenon of social life, containing any mythological filling. The development of society leads to changes in all subsystems of social mythology. The main changes are the following: the ideas about causation and about the relationship of part and whole are moving to the «archaic» level of social mythology, while the ideas of space and time are moving to the «conjunctural» level; there are similarities of principles for the development of non-linear processes and principles of functioning of mythological consciousness; there is a trend towards assessment of level of constructive or destructive consequences, the results of the implementation of social mythology; socio-mythological existence can be seen through consideration of myth-ritual practices, previously based in the traditions, but in contemporary society representing a conglomerate of various elements, containing both archaic and quasimythological components. The study concludes that the social mythology is primarily an evolving system.

Keywords: social mythology; the system of social mythology; conceptual notion – myhological attractor; ontological, gnoseological, axiological, praxeological subsystems of social mythology; non-linear processes; evolving system.


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The date of the manuscript receipt 03.04.2016

Please cite this article in English as:

IvanovA.G.Social mythology as an evolving system // Perm University Herald. Series «Philosophy. Psychology. Sociology». 2016. Iss. 4(28). P.28–37. doi: 10.17072/2078-7898/2016-4-28-37