Satisfaction with studies and the semantic sphere of personality of students in middle/late adolescence


Satisfaction with studies and the semantic sphere of personality of students in middle/late adolescence

Alexander O. Ryazhkin
Candidate of Psychology,
Senior Lecturer of the Department of PsychologyChelyabinsk State University, 
129, Kashirin brothers st., Chelyabinsk, 454001, Russia;
ResearcherID: AAE-5965-2022

The article studies the correlation between the level of satisfaction with studies and the semantic sphere of personality of students in middle/late adolescence. The changes occurring in the period of adolescence affect all spheres of human psyche and lead to a significant restructuring of the personality. The semantic sphere of personality is an important element of this process. The main purpose of this period is acquisition by a person of a new social role, associated with more independence and autonomy. Mastering a new profession, provided by a university, is of great importance during this process. According to the research hypothesis of this study, there is a correlation between students’ satisfaction with studies and the semantic sphere of personality. Our empirical research aims to identify and study the correlations between the indicators of the semantic sphere and the components of satisfaction with studies of students middle/late adolescence. The sample included 76 students of the first and second years of study aged 17 to 18 years. Correlation analysis showed statistically significant relationships between all indicators, which confirms the hypothesis of the research. An in-depth study of these correlations allows us to conclude that indicators of the semantic sphere of personality that reflect the level of the subjects’ purposefulness, their focus on the future are related to the level of satisfaction with the chosen profession to the greatest extent of all. The indicators reflecting the meaningfulness of the past and present most closely correlate with the components that reflect satisfaction with the upbringing, relationships with fellow students, and living conditions. The level of satisfaction with studies significantly correlates with the indicators of the meaningfulness of the past, present and future in the lives of the respondents, which makes it of central importance. The indicators of semantic sphere showing a person’s control of their own live have the highest correlation with the level of satisfaction with living conditions. The results may be used for optimization of education process in the first years of study at university.

Keywords: middle adolescence, late adolescence, semantic sphere of personality, university education, satisfaction with studies, locus of control, students.


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Received: 16.02.2022. Revised: 16.04.2022. Accepted: 29.04.2022

For citation:

Ryazhkin A.O. [Satisfaction with studies and the semantic sphere of personality of students in middle/late adolescence]. Vestnik Permskogo universiteta. Filosofia. Psihologia. Sociologia [Perm University Herald. Philosophy. Psychology. Sociology], 2022, issue 2, pp. 296–304 (in Russian). DOI: