Barriers and incentives in the development of mediation (conceptional procedures) in the social sphere

Tatyana I. Margolina
Ph.D. in Psychology, Professor of the Department
of Social Work and Conflictology

Perm State University,
15, Bukirev st., Perm, 614990, Russia;

Polina A. Surovyatkina
Student of the « Conflictology» Program, Faculty of Law

Perm State University,
15, Bukirev st., Perm, 614990, Russia;

This article identifies barriers and incentives for the use of mediation (conciliation procedures) in dealing with conflicts arising in the social sphere. The study is based on the analysis of the literature, particularly scholarly works written by specialists in the field — mediators and intermediaries. Among the barriers revealed are the low level of public awareness of conciliatory procedures, negative psychological attitudes towards the conflict and the process of its peaceful settlement as well as barriers associated with the low level of mediators’ training, the absence of normative regulation for the out-of-court mediation procedure. The article substantiates how particular barriers hinder the development of conciliatory technologies. The identified incentives include saving resources, the possibility of maintaining and restoring relationships, the flexibility of the procedure, and the basic principles and rules of mediation. It is described how these incentives contribute to the spreading of this institution in Russia. The article also provides a description of the results of research (sociological survey) concerning the views of students, experts in the field of mediation, state and municipal employees and pensioners, about the obstacles in the development of mediation as well as factors stimulating this process. The empirical study results confirmed the theoretical conclusions about the existence of real barriers in the development of conciliation procedures in the social sphere, such as the lack of information about conciliatory technologies for resolving conflicts, the lack of regulations on their application out of court, the lack of salary standards for mediators in budgetary organizations, the predominant ideas in society about the competitive strategy of behavior in a conflict, the lack of information about educational programs in the field of conflictology and mediation. In conclusion, the authors provide some recommendations prepared based on the analysis of the literature and the empirical research results and containing possible measures aimed at removing the existing barriers.

Keywords: mediation, conciliation procedures, mediation in the social sphere, barriers in the development of mediation, incentives in the development of mediation.


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Received 31.07.2020


For citation:

Margolina T.I., Surovyatkina P.A. [Barriers and incentives in the development of mediation (conceptional procedures) in the social sphere]. Vestnik Permskogo universiteta. Filosofia. Psihologia. Sociologia [Perm University Herald. Philosophy. Psychology. Sociology], 2020, issue 3, pp. 494–505 (in Russian). DOI: