Issue 3 (27) 2016
I. Philosophy
- Koromyslov V.V. Concrete-universal approach to the analysis of human essential forces
- Gilev Y.Y. Philosophy as the methodology of understanding crisis social consciousness: framework conception
- Zhelnin A.I. Essence and perspectives of human in the context of problem of sociobiological crisis
- Danakari L.R. Evolutionary epistemology of evolutionary-biological preconditions knowledge
- Popov D.N. Phenomenology of social image: concept, levels, structure
- Sidorova M.A. The role of the H. Arendt’s action theory terms in the «capable man» concept by P. Ricoeur
- Goncharova A.A. Renaissance linguistic philosophical schools
II. Psychology
- Vyatkin B.A, Zhdanova S.Y. Psychlogy cognition of the individual: thirty years later
- Ulanova Y.Y, Vasilenko V.E. Flowing of the «The three year old child´s crisis» in relation to the factors of age, gender, family strucrure and socialization of the child
- Lyz N.A, Kupovykh Z.G, Prima A.K. The experience of research of students’ ideas about safety
- Zubakin M.V. Sensation seeking, mass-media usage and evaluations of internet’s sexual content
- Andryushkova N.P. Psychological factors of superstitiousness among the youth
- Shilyaev V.A. Coping behavior in individuals with disabilities with different types of attitude to the disease
- Kulagina N.V. Peculiarities of men’s and women’s self-presentation in business relationship
III. Sociology
- Nenashev M.I. Observation in qualitative sociology
- Gordeeva S.S. Essence and structure of social attitudes in sociology and social psychology
- Kirilina T.Y, Fomicheva T.V, Yudina T.N, Dolgorukova I.V, Kireev E.Y. The assessment of terrorist threats in the regions of the russian federation
- Kienko T.S. Organizational factors of professional burnout social workers of municipal social service institutions
- Gasumova S.E. The elderlies attitude to the internet and mobile telephony
- Dyukin S.G, Samoilova I.V. Virtual resourses of Orthodox Church in the process of struggle for belief (on the Perm city materials)
- Nakhimova Y.N, Romashkina G.F. Social attitudes and narcotizm among young people (on the example of Tyumen region)